Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Investigation into the Perceptions of Tourists Towards Outdoor

Question: An investigation into the perceptions of backpacker tourists towards outdoor yoga in Nelson, in order to determine the feasibility of starting outdoor yoga services for the tourists in Nelson New Zealand. Answer: 1.0 Introduction The tourism has become most practicable economic development policy for many countries as they are restructuring their business industry. Perhaps, several residences of New Zealand is becoming tourist spots as the volume of the number of tourists is increasing continuously for the providence of the outdoor Yoga services to the consumers. Research purpose The planners of the tourism business are trying to clarify the ideologies for attracting tourists. The planners are mainly focusing on the local tourism projects supported by the local tourists. At the primary stage of the tourism, business some steps for the future expansion is needed. The exploration of the literature based on the outdoor Yoga services and tourism is explaining: perceptions about the tourism while considering the outdoor Yoga services, investigation about the preferences of the tourists about outdoor Yoga services, examination of the competitive market of the outdoor Yoga tourisms, collection of the feedbacks of the tourists regarding the outdoor Yoga tourisms. In this research topic, the main focus is on the tourism services in Nelson in New Zealand and the way yoga is perceived by the tourists in Nelson. It will help in determining the feasibility of starting outdoor yoga services for the tourist in Nelson. My research aims to measure consumer perception towards yoga services, thereby evaluating the feasibility of providing outdoor yoga services to tourists. Background of the study The tourism industry in New Zealand has become one of the most important industries of the country. The tourism business in Nelson has improved in the past few years. Combining tourism and yoga will help in promote yoga tourism in Nelson. It is important to include yoga in the tourism industry in Nelson as it slowly gaining popularity all over the world and has become a global phenomenon. Furthermore, focus is made on yoga as more and more tourists are visiting different countries for getting yoga services. Therefore, it is interesting to verify and assess the reasons that motivate the tourist and yoga practitioners to travel to exotic locations for yoga. (Arlt, 2012). During past three years, New Zealand was facing many financial crisis, they have grasped up the losses by moving their interest to the tourism sector with innovative addition of Yoga services. Yoga services is most innovation in the sector of the tourism business as these aspect is attracting tourists from different sectors of the world to Nelson for acquiring the interesting fractures improvised in the tourism business. Figure 1: Top Countries Visiting New Zealand Source: As per the figure 1, it can be seen that number of visitors from Australia, US and China increased the most in the last 12 years. It will help in determining the factors like the distinctive natural landscape, outdoor lifestyle and mild climate of New Zealand will be able to attract more tourists from different countries. Along with it, the research study also evaluates the perception of the tourists on yoga practices. The research is conducted on five backpackers who will give their opinion on yoga tourism and based on that the feasibility of starting outdoor yoga services is made. The feasibility of starting new tourism business is also evaluated financially (, 2015). The above figure 1 shows the countries from where most tourists visit New Zealand. Most of the tourists are from Australia. Furthermore, focus is made on yoga as more and more tourists are visiting different countries for getting yoga services. Therefore, it is interesting to verify and assess the reasons that motivate the tourist and yoga practitioners to travel to exotic locations for yoga (Timothy, 2005). Research Aim The research aims to understand the actual views of the tourist about yoga that will help the yoga service providers and tourists' organizations to explore yoga tourism in Nelson in New Zealand. The views and ideas of the tourists help me in assessing the scope to introduce yoga tourism in one of the historical city of New Zealand, Nelson. Research Objective The research objectives are as follows- To identify the perception of the tourists towards yoga To investigate tourists' preference to certain destinations about yoga services To determine the level of competition in yoga tourism. To assess the feedback and suggestion of the tourists regarding yoga (Tribe, 2009) Research Question The research question is based on "An investigation into the perceptions of tourists towards outdoor yoga in Nelson, in order to determine the feasibility of starting outdoor yoga services for the tourists in Nelson New Zealand". The research questions are below: What is the perception of the tourists towards yoga? What is the tourists' preference to certain destinations about yoga services? What is the level of competition in yoga tourism? What are the feedbacks and suggestion of the tourists regarding yoga? Significance of the research The perception towards outdoor Yoga is more specific in the context of the outdoor Yoga tourism in Nelson. The country is situated in such a position that, the tourism is a good strategy for economic growth of the country. Generally, tourists are interested in exploring new places and adventurous trips but there are new trends are involving in the tourism industry. All around the world the tourism industry is exploring innovations towards adding up new facilities in the field of outdoor Yoga services. So the perception of the tourist about the Yoga services are very crucial for the development of tourism business in Nelson. The preference about the destination of the tourists is also an important aspect for highlighting it as the matter of concern. The exact situation of the Nelson is in favour of the tourism industry. The crucial demands of tourism industry are the adventures and attraction of the spot. The country is highlighting their business aspect by including their innovations that is the outdoor Yoga services to their tourism plan. The outdoor Yoga services are properly adjustable to the spot specification. These facts are getting more attractive to the tourists coming from outside the country like Japan, Australia etc. After exploring all the above aspects about the outdoor Yoga tourisms, another aspect must be introduced into the scenario of the tourism business: different competitive markets or competitor around the world. The planner must know the level of competition of any business development procedure. There are certain factors on which the country is focusing for competing with their competitors in their own target markets. Their strategy is all about the safety and security of the tourists, this aspect attracts the tourists more which is totally relevant to the tourism business. In addition to this, the different analysis of the future and present trends on the tourism business, the probability of success and effectiveness can easily be achieved. Feedback responses of any innovations are very much helpful for providing the strength to the ideologies developing the concern about the outdoor Yoga tourism. There are several methods, which are followed to get the appropriate responses from the tourists. Sometimes many issues are raised form the tourists that they are not satisfied with the facility provided by the organization or country. The feedback responses help the business ideologies to get more improved and interesting to the consumers. Innovative ideologies gain competitive advantages towards the business development. According to the context, outdoor Yoga is such a crucial and interesting subject that always needs feedback from the learners. If these trainings are not effective at all, then the tourists might get affected by the wrong procedures and will lose interests from the outdoor Yoga services, which in turn affect the tourism business. These affects are not desirable at any condition, so the feedbacks from the tou rists are very important. Scope of future research The current study presents the scope for further research in the area of evaluation of the value proposition and perception of international tourists belonging different ethnic groups towards the introduction of the outdoor yoga tourism. The research can further delve deep into the aspect of evaluation of the impact of the introduction of outdoor yoga tourism in attracting more international tourist with different ethnic as well as cultural background. References Ashton, A.S., 2014. Tourist destination brand image developmentan analysis based on stakeholders perception: A case study from Southland, New Zealand.Journal of Vacation Marketing, p.1356766713518061. Berthon, P.R., Pitt, L.F., Plangger, K. and Shapiro, D., 2012. 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